Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jackson yelled at me....

Jackson, Alex, Mikey and I all donked it up on stars last night. I think we'll have to hold the tuesday game on stars for the next couple of weeks. The main host is getting into finals in school. Wish they'd let us play PL-TOE. I'm planning a trip in July to Vegas.

On Friday night after half a bottle of tequila, Jackson tore into me about how great I am. We were playing heads up PL-TOE (TD27, Omaha/8, 7-stud/8). And while I appreciate the compliment, I'll take a shot at this whole deal. It was a bit odd and humbling for him to yell so belligerently at me for easily an hour during our match and then called me on my way home to yell some more. He just kept screaming. I wasn't sure how to take it. He was yelling, but it was about how good I was.

I'm not real sure what happened, but something did. I've no less than 5x'ed my roll on stars in two days. I'm feeling relatively focused. The challenge for me is to get a few tough beats put on me in a row and keep my head. Everyone in the home game agrees that I tilt harder than anyone else, but they keep saying that when I'm on, I'm scary as hell. I can't say what that means to me. I just have to learn to avoid tilt.

The next month is going to be a lot of work though. I need to get back to playing 50nl on stars pretty fast. I'm going to re-read PNL and study the hell out of it. I might even start working with J and taking notes and what not with him. Eh. I'm off to work.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm in a barnyard...

There are donkeys everywhere. So many of them. I am afraid...
Yesterday afternoon, I rolled into the house from work and hung out with Josh for a bit. He said, "Hey Chad, let's play some poker!!!" I had to get the night off. My intro class is on Thursday nights. Michelle took it after her kids class. I'll cover her shift tomorrow in return. So with some food, we were off to match up's. He decided to sit at my table and we screwed around. First place is $100 in cash, so Josh and I were like "Meh, let's try it."
Jackson and Steve showed up and our table got real exciting. Blind raises and multiple all-ins become the norm for about an hour. #$%@#% donkeys. There were two people at our table (other than the four of us) that understood free poker. Everyone else was just along for the ride. Eeehaawwww!
Just before the second break Josh goes broke. *sigh* He was playing well, nothing special, but not bad by any means. Steve and Jackson busted themselves so that they could go play beer pong in old town. I had a stack at this point (3ish starting stacks). I was playing well and making accurate reads. We got to chatting with this kid John and he invited us to his micro game. Meh, I'll make a run and see. J and Steve reappeared to rail me after getting beaten bloody in their beer pong game. That was cool to have them there asking to see my hand. But alas it wasn't meant to be. 6th was as far as I got and we were off.
The home game was fun although a bit odd. With blinds at $.25/.5, the only buyin min or max was $10. I'm not a fan of shove and pray poker, but eehaawww. AJ and TT become insta-shoves and it really opens up your range. Any two become playable for a single blind, but to call a raise narrows your range significantly and more than I care for. I do look forward to donking around in that game. Josh went broke but I made up for it plus a little. The players are not terrible, but they are nowhere near good. They understand what a good hand is, but overplay marginal ones AND they have egos. The latter is why I'll be going back. The only thing I didn't really like about it was that pretty much everyone smokes cigarettes. I felt like shit when I got home and immediately took a quick shower.
But it was a good night and I got to play poker with Josh.